
I'll try to keep it going with a 'book' review on Saturdays and manga/comics reviews on Sundays.

June 23, 2016


Let's get this party started. 

I'm an ass hole. Seriously. Most people I know say that. Why?
I discuss about quantum physics, math, Shakespeare, RPG, fantasy works, Marvel continuity, DC plot holes, philosophy, economy... you get the jist.
Probably because I read too much. Always had.

One of my favourite childhood memory is a good example. I was always reading, but I was also a very active child, so I mostly read in the evenings, after being dragged home by the curfew. So... I read. But, as all children, I had a sleeping time imposed by my mother.
Initially, she used to go into my room, tell me to sleep and turn off the lights. After I was given a night lamp by the bed, she usually come inside, turn it off and take it with her, otherwise I would wait for her to sleep and light it to go back to reading.
My grandma, helluva woman, decided that it was wrong. That reading was more important than sleeping, (lesson which I still carry in my heart). And defying my mom, bought me a Panasonic pocket light. That rectangular black light with an orange switch, I treasured it for years...
My mom would come in, take away the night lamp and I would wait around a quarter of a hour, and then light it up and go back to reading.
She would find it out and would take it away. Then my grandma would give me another. This went like this for most of my childhood. I really miss those pocket lights.

So, what it proves? That I'm a compulsive reader. 
Sometimes I stay away from books, for the good of my wallet and bank account, but never for long.
Even after I bought a kindle, the money disappears very quickly when I start to read in the rhythm that I like to. I usually can devour a book in a day, if below 200 pages. If I'm unemployed or on vacations, the number can go way up. 

Even libraries are not all that good. In middle school I read all books in the school library (it was not that big, but still over a thousand). From in deep analysis from cetaceans, passing thru philosophy, history and going into romances, I started to get a hardcore critic sense on books. I love then. And hate them.
Why? Well, any bookworm knows why. If you are not one of us... GTFO. Here's not the place for you, as you probably had guessed. If not, well... GTFO
Just to be clear. 

So... Why do I hate books?
As a matter of fact, you can say that I hate authors. Don't get me wrong, not all. But even the ones I love, I also hate.
Here's why: pattern recognition.
Yeah. It's the name of this blog. And from a book from William Gibson. And the cause of my hate. 

You can know that a song is from U2, (at least in the good albums) in less than a minute. You can know that a movie is from Kubrick in less than a minute. You can also know that a book was wrote by some authors in a few pages.
It's a pattern.
That's why I like U2 in their golden years (decades, to be more fair). Also, what I love about Kubrick. But authors can change their writing style, like the magnificent Ítalo Calvino, one of my most beloved authors, in a way that you can't recognize them. Still, there's something that may made you recognize then. The themes, the way it flows, the types of plotting, the characters. And... the patterns. 

I can assure you: the same way you go into a M. Night Shyamalan expecting a plot twist ending, you can read a Stephen King books expecting a sloppy ending. Yes, there's exceptions. But overall it's there. The pattern.
Some authors can do it wonderfully, like the man who inspired this blog: Mr. Gibson. You know how tricks, his machinations, his pattern. But, at least to me, it works! Works well. Even King works well. He can change lots of stuff, (I already know the ending is gonna suck, so I enjoy the ride in the King bandwagon), but the way his books go, it works!
And then there's my hate: the ones that doesn't... 

I used to love Nail Gaiman. Really. Truly. Sandman to me is one of the best comic I have ever read. Books of Magic, was delightful. Then I read Stardust. Hmm... Well... It's practically the same as always. I know this character already. Then I read Neverwhere. Hmm... Same thing. Let's read American Gods. Again, but at least it was more 'meaty'. Let's read Anansi's Boys. Shit...
It's always the same thing. You can change some things, but it's always the same kind of characters, same dilemmas, sometimes the same plot!
Nowadays, I start reading a Gaiman book and after some pages I wrote what I believe is going to be the ending and jump to the end to see if I was right. Sadly, most of the times I am. I also know when the journey is gonna be useless (looking at you, The ocean at the end of the lane).

But Mr Gaiman, at least, is one of my top authors, in particular for his run of Sandman and Books of Magic. There are others that aren't as good as him. Percy Jackson? I knew the ending by the end of book 3. Yes of the series. Black Tower? I was getting it right till the shit hit the fan on the last book. (I'll never forgive you, Stephen. Never.) Hermann Hesse is ALWAYS the same thing...
And oh... Don't get me started on manga. I LOVE manga. But man... How many I had given up because it started to repeat the same plot over and over again.
Worse of all, is my recent discovery & enjoyment of wuxia novels. Man... There are some guys that don't even try...
Which brings me to the creation of this blog. 

I was reading the aforementioned Patter Recognition from Mr. Gibson and laugh out loud in some point. (I believe it was when Boone shows up and had all the Gibson's signs of a traitor). My wife was walking by and asked "why are you laughing?" "oh, it's just a thing that I already know what will happen in this book I'm reading." "Why are you reading it then?" and I explained it to her.
She nodded and said "you should write it down. You have so much knowledge, you should share it."
And here I am. Doing it.
Why? Because I like to discuss books. And I hope you, dear readers, like it too. I know that it's hard to come by people to discuss about it. In particular anything more meaningful. Bad experience with book clubs and Oprah's recommendations, anyone? 
I hope we can have a nice chat over here.
I'll read about anything, as always. Manga, comics, wuxia, romance, history, sci-fi, fantasy, philosophy... I read a lot. And I'm aim to please, so if you have any recommendations, please, feel free to tell me. I'm always looking for a good book.
But I won't be sorry if I hate it and critically destroy it here. 
Hope someone cares and read it. 
And discuss.

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